Thursday 10 November 2016

JB: Progress 10/11/16

Since filming at the weekend we came across many limitations as well as advantages. Advantages include the fact that, filming of the montage part is now complete. This means we can again continue to edit the final production as we can now place and understand which parts we will situate in which parts of the video and can work around this factor as I continue to edit the montages in after effects. Also we believe these father/sons scene give a more definite and clearer meaning as to what the video is actually about. We also took the images for the print work so can now really excel the print work and digipak creations.

Despite this progress we have still had drawbacks. For editing of the montages of the montages I have needed to take considerable time in reminding myself of how to use the appropriate techniques and it took a lot of trial and error to finally remember how to create the tracking technique on Fusion 8.1. While editing of the animatic is complete and practice of lip syncing editing is now thoroughly underway we believe we can now turn to focus almost mainly on the editing of the final production of the music video. This is a good point in the campaign to take a second to stop and regroup as we feel the planning part of the production is all but complete and now we turn our focus towards the after effects and editing of the feature. We are happy with how time allocation has panned out, as we all have different and contrasting opinions in how to edit specific parts of the video, for example the title sequence, where I wanted to have the text begin to move as the vinyl moved and Leo wanted the text to stay still. We have realized that editing is a team task and cannot be done through one mindset, we need to be open-minded and weary of the others ideas which is going to be challenging but hopefully will result in a broader and more cyclical finished production.

1 comment:

  1. Detailed reflective comments jack you need to ensure presentation of posts is consistently high
