Tuesday 13 September 2016

LH: Music Video Ideas

Red Hot Chili Peppers – Dani California

  • This music video shows the whole band together, this shows them to be a classic rock group all playing their individual instruments. This gives a perspective that they are talented and almost works as an encouragement to viewers to take up music.

  • Throughout this video a substantial amount of meat shots are used, this connects the band members to the audience through a method known as breaking the fourth wall

  • Humor is used by showing the band members dressed in abstract clothing imitating other famous musicians throughout changing between them. This shows them to be more down to earth and human as they a have a sense of humor. It also means that the video is repeatable as you may notice more famous characters that you didn't notice the previous viewing.

  • Dyer would suggest that this constructs their star image, to link to his theory of the paradoxes; they are shown to be ordinary by being humorous, while extraordinary by playing instruments to an excellent ability which is a rarer talent not considered ordinary.

Arctic Monkeys - R U Mine?

  • This music video contains all the band members in the car positioning them together. This is effective in music videos for bands as it shows them together as a unit.
  • It is cleverly done in a minimalistic method, where the number of shots is kept to the bare minimum, in fact the majority of the video is done in one shot with the camera being passed around between band members in the car, this is a clever method which gives the video a distinct sense of flow.
  • A sense of glamour is created with the usage of black and white filming, it gives a retro sort of feel to the video as a whole, showing the bands success by making them have a timeless feel to them.

Chet Faker - Gold

  • This is another Video that is done solely on one shot, it creates high levels of synaesthesia by the actresses roller skating smoothly along to the song while dancing. A slow motion effect is put onto the video to promote the smoothness and add to the synaesthesia. The Movements between the roller skaters correlates closely to the sounds of the songs.

1 comment:

  1. well done Leo, i particularly like the last video, clever use of one take and choreography.
