Tuesday 13 September 2016

LH: Digipack Production Task

  • For this production task I took much inspiration from other Tame Impala Digipacks, in many of their CD covers they go by similar styles, with strange shapes cut out and moved into different places to give a sort of abstract feel to the cover.
  • For the colouring which is where most of the work came from, I increased the brightness in order for the colouring in the confetti to stand out more to the audience. The reason I did this was to create a more colourful piece of art.
  • For the more abstract part to this cover was the cutting of the shapes done through pressing F7 and using the lasso tool to choose the shape which would be necessary. From here i moved it strategically into another area of the screen where it does not disrupt any of the image yet still maintains an abstract feel.  
  • This will aid us for our actual piece, with the design of this digipack. This particular example takes a disjunctive approach, where parts are taken out it becomes more abstract. I think in our actual piece we could take a similar style, personally a move to black and white could make it more suited to Loyle Carner. But as he takes a similar indie approach like Tame Impala we could link them together in terms of their print work.

1 comment:

  1. a creative response Leo - you now need to resize the image and add the comments
