Monday 10 October 2016

Group: Media film short

  • Taking part in this process has proved very useful. A new editing software we have been using has taken a little time to adapt to, since moving from Adobe Premiere to Di Vinci Resolve, I think that this preliminary shooting has enabled us to understand the new software with more confidence. At the beginning of using this software we had some technical difficulties where the graphics card in the computer was not able to open the footage that we had taken. It was useful for it to happen on the preliminary task to Brighton as it enabled us to work with the problems that were encountered, so we can improve for the main production.
  • We found the camera that we used for this task (Olympus E-PM1) caused too many problems with the shooting and editing process, this meant that the preliminary task was useful as it enabled us to decide at an early stage to use a different camera supplied by the school. The quality of footage was not compatible with the Di Vinci editing software and obstructed us from reaching the best quality of shot.
  • This trip also gave us an opportunity to work with the song of our choice, allowing us to work with a narrative line in this case not linking to the song, but it gave us an idea of how to shoot the main production task.

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